520 • 倡议伙伴故事 | P.E.T. 链-有追溯,有真相

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2017年5月20日,商道纵横总经理郭沛源博士联合12位行业专家共同发起520社会责任日责任倡议,旨在推动企业社会责任的发展和公众责任意识的提升,让责任真正成为一种流行文化。2021年520社会责任日聚焦 【减碳】、【减塑】、【可持续消费】三大责任议题。围绕三大议题,我们与多家倡议伙伴联合发起【绿色希望减碳行动】、【红树林生态恢复活动】、【减塑创新实验室】、【520市集】【520峰会】系列活动,邀请企业、媒体、NGO和公众共同参与到责任议题的行动与倡议当中,助力让责任成为一种流行文化。





了解P.E.T. 链的故事!





En Traceability· Veritas





“Sustainable Fashion” is steadily becoming a popular buzzword, but there is often no further explanation beyond the label. 


自2018年以来,P.E.T. Plastic Ecological Transformation一直在用100%回收PET瓶为原材料制造纺织产品。然而,当试图深度了解从塑料瓶到服装的生产过程,我们发现,这个行业一直依赖的再生认证,还存在很多问题。


Since 2018,P.E.T. Plastic Ecological Transformation has been making textile products made from 100% recycled PET bottles. However, in our search to understand the bottle to the garment manufacturing process, we found that fashion brands relied on a certification process that could easily be forged. 






Where did my T-shirt come from?






As the supply chain is long and opaque, recycled goods could easily become mixed with inferior products. There remain instances where unscrupulous manufacturers purchase new plastic bottles just to recycle them into recycled yarn hence defeating the purpose of recycling. In some, waste was not sterilized to cut cost, and hence affecting the hygiene standards of the recycled product. 


Hence the consumer's question remains: "Where did my recycled t-shirt come from, and how do I know that its safe and reliable?" 





Where did my bottle go? 






On the other hand, many products have the little triangle recycling label on it, leading consumers to believe that it will hence recycled. That is far from the truth as only 9% of the worlds plastics are recycled, most of it ends up in incineration, landfill or oceans. 


So while waste separation gains traction, consumers also start to ask "where did my plastic bottle in the recycle bingo?"







Who am I? 

Where would my bottle go?

Where did my Tshirt come from?

P.E.T. 链的 Existential Questions


为了寻求真相,我们开发了P.E.T. 链 —我们自己的基于区块链技术的追溯系统,在从瓶子到颗粒、从纱线到最终产品的每一步中跟踪记录。消费者通过扫描标签上的二维码可以看到很多他们关注的信息。


In the chase for the truth, we developed P.E.T. Chain - our own blockchain-based traceability system to track the raw material throughout every step, as it transforms from bottles to pellets to yarn to end product. The consumer can see the whole process by scanning the QR code on the label. 




P.E.T. 链 是什么?


About P.E.T. Chain



P.E.T. 链是一个基于区块链技术的追溯系统,当原材料从废PET瓶转变为漂亮的rPET消费品时,它为原材料的来源,数量、运转的全过程提供追溯证明。


P.E.T. Chain is a blockchain-enabled traceability system that verifies the quantity, location and form of the raw material as it transforms from waste PET bottles to beautiful rPET consumer products. 




Every batch has a unique traceability code. The tracking starts when a batch of bottles reaches the recycling station. As the bottles go through their transformation through PET flakes, pellets and yarn, the progress is continuously tracked and can be viewed real-time on the consumer Wechat mini-app. 




At the end of the year, each contributor will also receive an official certificate stating the number of bottles they have recycled that year.


P.E.T. Plastic Ecological Transformation 上海好润环保科技有限公司于2020年启动区块链数据库后端,并于2021年4月22日推出面向消费者的微信小程序。


P.E.T. Plastic Ecological Transformation started the blockchain database back-end in 2020 and launched the consumer-facing Wechat interface on earth day 22 April 2021. 




Consumers can now scan a QR Code to see where the bottle they just threw into the bin is going and where their rPET (recycled polyester) T-shirt came from. 


“我们希望通过这个有趣的互动小程序,向公众展示这个循环经济的真实案例”, 赵文静说。这个小程序简洁明了,无论是儿童还是专业人士,都可以轻松理解。


“We hope to show the public this real-life example of the circular economy through this fun and interactive mini-app,” says Zhao.  It is easy to understand and can be used by children to industry professionals alike.





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2021年8月13日 18:42