The 520 National Responsibility Program was launched in Shanghai

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In 2018, the 520 National Responsibilities Program was officially launched at the CRO Global Summit. Dr. Guo Peiyuan, General Manager of SynTao, reiterated the “520 Social Responsibility Day” initiative. The representatives from Caixin Global, Infinitus, Yili, Wanglaoji, Bayer, etc. participated in the launch. They gave Interpretation to the public - "speak for love", "act for love" and "work for love".




On May 20th, 2017, 13 experts including Dr. Guo Peiyuan, general manager of SynTao issued a call that a country with great responsibility should have a social responsibility day and it do need a ceremony that belongs to the whole nation for social responsibility”. He initiated "the 520 Social Responsibility Day" initiative.



In 2018, the 520 National Responsibilities Project will start with policy advocacy and public participation to further expand the influence of the initiative and increase public awareness. The project will work together with more business units to lead consumers to focus on social and environmental development and participate in charity actions. It seeks cross-border cooperation to bring about real change to society.




Ms. Tie Shan, deputy general manager of Caixin Media’s CSR Division, said that with the development of science and technology, media has a very powerful force. Caixin Media hopes to be able to speak for love and let everyone focus on 520. On the day of social responsibility, attention should be paid to the the responsibility by all citizens.




Mr. Mai Xingqiao, a corporate social responsibility consultant at Infinitus (China) Co., Ltd., proposed that only by satisfying the needs of society as the fundamental starting point of business operations can companies gain more space and realize greater dreams.


520 Social Responsibility Day, advocating the public to express concern for society and responsibility, bring about changes in actual actions and gather more people's strengths to create influence and seek solutions to the problems. At the end of the event, “To Love To Move”, the audience and the guests together chanted the slogan of 520 Day “Responsibility for All People, Love for 520”, and expressed their collective efforts to change and work together.

2018年1月29日 10:40