首页    森林可持续知识集【报告】    Seizing opportunities for green recovery - accelerating supply chain transparency

Seizing opportunities for green recovery - accelerating supply chain transparency

As China put forward the goal of "reaching the carbon emission peak before 2030 and carbon neutral before 2060" in September 2020, the multiplier effect of value chain participation to promote upstream and downstream emission reduction is seen as an important tool for low carbon transformation of society. Based on the performance of Chinese enterprises in the CDP 2020 questionnaire, we have seen the development and progress of domestic enterprises in addressing climate change. Firstly, the response rate of Chinese supplier companies has increased significantly. Second, Chinese supplier companies have also significantly improved the quality of their responses. Third, Chinese suppliers have been very effective in seizing opportunities. Finally, Chinese companies' climate action is gradually forming industrial linkages. As Chinese companies mature in environmental governance, industry leaders are gradually incorporating their own supply chain environmental performance into their management.

CDP China, as a strong supporter of Chinese companies in the environmental field, will always spare no effort in providing resources and support to create a bigger and broader platform for Chinese companies to show their performance.


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