首页    森林可持续知识集【报告】    Measuring Progress Towards a Sustainable Palm Oil Supply Chain: A company's journey

Measuring Progress Towards a Sustainable Palm Oil Supply Chain: A company's journey

In 2021, a total of 865 companies reported through CDP's 2021 2021 forests questionnaire. Of these, 233 companies reported actions they are taking to decouple deforestation from palm oil supply chains. This report assesses 167 of these companies’ current governance, strategies and implementation measures against a series of industry-accepted measures to reduce deforestation. Measures are then broken down into 15 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) across six categories, showing the critical aspects of performance towards eliminating deforestation from supply chains. The categories are based on the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures’ (TCFD) categories of governance, strategy, risk management and metrics and targets. Also, the categories of value chain engagement and restoration are added. The analysis of the relevant indicators will be described in the subsequent sections.


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