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Raising Ambitions towards Sustainable Palm Oil in Indonesia

This report is the third instalment of CDP’s analysis of the forests-related commitments and actions disclosed by companies connected to the Indonesian palm oil supply chain.


In 2020, 687 companies responded to CDP’s forests questionnaire, 144 more than the previous year. Globally, 178 companies reported the use of palm oil products in their value chains. This report focuses on the 125 that produced, sourced, or used palm oil products from Indonesia.


This is a significant year for the world’s forests. The completion of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Aichi targets and review of progress against the Sustainable Development Goals has highlighted a concerning lack of implementation on deforestation and biodiversity commitments. As new goals come into place, this report provides a comprehensive update on the progress made by the corporate sector in delivering on their No Deforestation commitments, including changes to governance structures and supply chain engagement, and provides additional granularity on ecosystem restoration and multi-stakeholder initiatives.



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