首页    森林可持续知识集【报告】    THE PALM BOOK ——Tracking progress of sustainable palm oil commitments in Indonesia

THE PALM BOOK ——Tracking progress of sustainable palm oil commitments in Indonesia

In 2019, over 500 of the world’s largest companies and their suppliers disclosed through CDP’s forests questionnaire to their shareholders and/ or customers on the inherent risks and strategies for managing the production and sourcing of agricultural commodities most associated with deforestation. 

The number of companies disclosing on these commodities has been growing steadily: from 211 companies in 2017, to 455 companies in 2018, up to 543 this year. Of the 543 companies that disclosed this year, 96 reported producing or sourcing palm oil – or products containing palm oil - from Indonesia. This represents a 20% increase from 2018 and an incredible 50% growth from 2017.

Recognizing the growing number of companies reporting their deforestation risks and impacts to CDP and the necessity of working throughout the supply chain to end deforestation, this report looks at the progress and performance of companies reporting to both investors and purchasing companies. 


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